Sunday, March 15, 2009


So very glad that the issue with the photo-theft is over. Yeah...Someone stole my picture, and didn't even have the sense to change the file name...xD
Anyways...Here are more pictures of that gorgeous doll!! :)


Gecko said...

Another great shot!!
How did you get your signature on the photo, and how did you know someone "permanently borrowed" your photo on Flickr???? Questions, questions, questions......

~*♥Verja♥*~ said...


GIMP has the text feature. I made one text layer in black, and then moved up a layer and made another layer in white and then dragged them so they look embossed!

I went to her photo stream and it still has MY file name on it! Hahahahahahah!

I name my files with whatever is included in the many groups I put on my computer daily, as it's easier to keep track that way.
The picture is titled: Jayde'spictures-argentinasunset-travelshots-abbyandlele.

And I am quite annoyed that anyone would do that.
I don't mind if they steal it and say something like, "Look at this picture I found!"
But saying, "My favorite shot of the sunset."

I think she has it private now...I was a bit...'bothered' by what she did.
But I was nice...Sort of.

I said,
Wow! That is very beautiful! It looks just like a picture I took in Argentina...How long did it take you to get from Maine to Argentina? Who knew the sunsets could look so much alike!

It's funny, really. And now I see she has deleted it! :) Good.

Anyways...It's over now. But I was quite annoyed.
I found her cause she left a comment on my picture...And well, I'm just glad it's over! I deleted her comment, I was so mad.
"I could never take a picture like this!"
(So I'm just gonna steal yours!)

Unknown said...

Hey, I haven't seen you in a while! How are you? LOVE your picture. Absolutely delightful. She is too sweet!

Lara said...

I'm sad to hear of your photo theft...what a pain! Your pictures are beautiful!

Pineapple Princess said...

Your pictures are beautiful- so is Stefi. What a doll!
I like the originality of your blog- so cool!

Gecko said...

Thanks for the info, will give it a go. Love the other shots, :)