Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week...Um...I FORGET! :) Theme--Creative Crop (ADULT ENTRY)

I took this picture of Andy, she's 16, so I figured that would fit into the adult category...If it doesn't, please tell me.
I cropped it and changed the angle...I searched high and low, everywhere, I SWEAR, even searched the file name and I couldn't find the original before the crop. The first shot was of her far away. But I fixed the color and made her the focus, so I sorta fixed it a bit. I sure hope it is counted...PLEASE...if I did anything wrong or forgot a step, PLEASE tell me. Thanks..:)


Be sure to head on over here and see the awesome entries this week! Everyone got to be super creative! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo - I love natural laughter. When it's not forced and posed it's just so much more beautiful.